Australian Jewish Newspapers This collection of Australian Jewish Newspapers provides free and fully searchable access to over 200.000 pages and 180 years of Australian Jewish community history.
Central Jewish Library Centralna Biblioteka Judaistyczna (Central Jewish Library) is one of the major world repositories of digitized Judaica, available for free via the Internet. The CJL presents books, works of art, old prints, manuscripts, archival materials, ephemera, and newspapers, housed by the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw (ŻIH)
EYDES - Evidence of Yiddish documented in European societies Some 6.000 hours of tape recordings testify to the variety of language, folklore, life style, and cultural practices that characterized the Jewish communities prior to World War II. The resulting archive provides the basis for Yiddish and interlingual study and is a resource for anthropological, cultural and historical research.
Jüdische Gelehrte an der Universität Leipzig - Bibliographische Datenbank zur Geschichte jüdischer Gelehrter in Sachsen von der Mitte des 19. bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts, mit dem Fokus auf der Landesuniversität Leipzig
Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur| Informationsportal des Wahlgrundkurses "Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur" am G.-E.-Lessing-Gymnasiums Döbeln
Algemeiner The Algemeiner, a global news destination published online and in print, serves as an independent media voice covering the Middle East, Israel and matters of Jewish interest around the world.
Museum of the Jewish People : Database digital resources in various categories: photography, genealogy, films, Jewish music, history of communities, the meaning of Jewish family names, personalities, and a lexicon of terms in Jewish peoplehood
BODO – Bibel+Orient Datenbank Online BODO verzeichnet und digitalisiert die Bestände des Bibel+Orient Museums Freiburg (Schweiz). Es handelt sich dabei grösstenteils um Rollsiegel, Stempelsiegel, Amulette und andere Kleinobjekte aus dem Umfeld des alten Israel.
CAL – Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project The CAL is a text base of the Aramaic texts in all dialects from the earliest (9th Century BCE) through the 13th Century CE, currently with a database of approximately 3 million lexically parsed words, and an associated set of electronic tools for analyzing and manipulating the data, whose ultimate goal is the creation of a complete lexicon of the language.
Co-produced Religions - A joint project of the University of Bern (Switzerland) and the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Dicta - Analytical tools for Hebrew texts Learning and natural language processing tools to the analysis of Hebrew texts: Quick Nakdan (Hebrew orthography), Bible Search, Citation Finder in biblical and talmudic sources, Rabbincal Abbreviation Expander, Talmud Search, Synopsis Builder, Tiberias: Bible Classification - Categorize text usion stylistic markers, Stylistic Segmentation, Charuzit - Find rhymes, assonance and alliteration for any given Hebrew word
European Jewish History Project - Divulgative page of The Sapienza Atheneum Project "Text and Jewish Networks in Europe" (2020) Sapienza University of Rome
The Evolution of the Hebrew Script - Catalogue of different Hebrew scripts and fonts from different sources and geographichal spaces, including historical background
Footprints - Jewish Books Through Time and Place Footprints traces the history and movement of Jewish books since the inception of print. Jewish books in particular tell a fascinating story about the spread of knowledge and faith in a global Diaspora.
Hannah Arendt - Kritische Gesamtausgabe Die kritische Gesamtausgabe präsentiert erstmalig alle veröffentlichten und unveröffentlichten Werke Hannah Arendts als wissenschaftlich gesicherte und kommentierte Textgrundlage.
In/Between Jerusalem and Munich Public History in the International virtual Classroom | Ludwig Maximilian Universität München | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Isaiah Berlin Online - including the Isaiah Berlin Catalogue with searchable bibliographical database of over 2,000 works by, and about, Isaiah Berlin. Powered by Wolfson College University of Oxford
Jewish Places Jewish Places stellt ausführliche Informationen zu Orten jüdischen Lebens in Deutschland auf einer interaktiven Karte dar. Besucher*innen können aktuelle und historische jüdische Orte entdecken
Judaica-Portal des Zentrums Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg (ZJS) und des Kooperativen Bibliotheksverbundes Berlin-Brandenburg (kobv)
Künste im Exil Das virtuelle Museum Künste im Exil versteht sich als Netzwerkprojekt, das die inhaltlichen Ressourcen von Forschungseinrichtungen, Sammlungen und Ausstellungshäusern bündelt und die Darstellung des Phänomen Exil auf eine möglichst breite Plattform stellt.
Musica Judaica Online Reviews open-access online journal that publishes reviews of books, films, programs, and recordings chronicling all forms of Jewish musical expression
UK Holocaust Maps - Digital database on the story of the Holocaust and British responses to Nazism. The UK Holocaust Map is a project of The Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR) and the UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation
The World of Yiddish | University of Haifa devoted to Yiddish language, literature and folklore. Special attention is given Hebrew-Yiddish relations and the generations of bilingual (Hebrew and Yiddish) writers. The site presents classic Yiddish texts, reference and bibliographic materials, and, English abstracts of the Hebrew-language, Khulyot, a journal of Yiddish studies.
Yerusha - Jewish archival heritage from european archives, libraries and museums | Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe
Yiddish Online Resources (YOR) provides effective links to Yiddish resources, namely books, journals, manuscripts, but also catalogs, portals etc.
Yiddish Poetry Project Joined project by Monash University’s Australian Centre for Jewish Civilization and the Kadimah Library and Cultural Centre
Yiddish Research | New York Public Library Yiddish research guide covering general resources, article and books, folklore, genealogy, linguistics, literature, music and dance, oral history, theater, film, radio, translation and student resources