Online-Course - Hebrew Manuscripts in the Digital Age, Paris
The École Pratique des Hautes Études invites applications for an online course cluster “Hebrew Manuscripts in the Digital Age: Palaeography, Edition, Cataloguing”. Its aim is to provide the participants with traditional and digital skills and some understanding of computational possibilities in Hebrew Manuscript Studies. In addition to the online seminars, students are encouraged to acquire practical skills by contributing to one or more of the digital projects:
Hebrew Palaeography Album (HebrewPal, ); MultiPal ( ); Books within Books ( BiNaH (Catalogue des manuscrits hébreux de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France) ( ) e-Scriptorium (; eRabbinica:
The course is held in English. The teaching consists of three one hour seminars a week between November 18th 2024, and June 4th 2025 (excluding EPHE holidays).
Deadline: October 25, 2024 | DETAILS