Call for papers: A Postwar Republic of Letters

July 19, 2024

The Wiener Holocaust Library invites proposals for contributions to a thematic section of “History of Intellectual Culture” (HIC), an international and interdisciplinary open-access yearbook for peer-reviewed papers, published by De Gruyter and edited by Charlotte A. Lerg, Johan Östling, and Jana Weiß. The theme, titled A Postwar Republic of Letters? Gender, Archiving, and Knowledge Production after the Holocaust focuses on the circulation of knowledge via letters and other forms of written communication within and among survivor historical commissions after the Second World War, emphasizing the interplay of gender and other differences in the history of knowledge and intellectual culture in this context. The proposed contributions can address any aspect of the broad themes outlined above or other, more specific topics that relate to the production and circulation of knowledge, history of knowledge, and intellectual culture.

Deadline for submissions: August 2, 2024. Details

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